Das Rust-Team

Das Rust-Projekt wird von mehreren Teams verwaltet, welche sich auf verschiedene Themengebiete spezialisiert haben. Unten werden sie in alphabetischer Reihenfolge aufgelistet.

Um ein Team zu kontaktieren, poste deine Frage oder deinen Kommentar im Internals Forum und tagge deinen Post mit der zum Teamnamen korrespondierenden Kategorie. Sicherheitsmeldungen sollten dem Veröffentlichungsprozess für Sicherheitslücken folgen.

Core team

Responsibility: overall direction of the project, subteam leadership, cross-cutting concerns

Language team

Responsibility: designing new language features

Language team shepherds

Responsibility: helping guide language RFCs to completion, assisting the language team with its work

Library team

Responsibility: the Rust standard library, rust-lang crates, conventions, and ecosystem support

Compiler team

Responsibility: compiler internals, optimizations

Dev tools team

Responsibility: Rust developer tools

Cargo team

Responsibility: design and implementation of Cargo

IDEs and editors team

Responsibility: IDEs, editors, and supporting tools such as Racer and the RLS

Infrastructure team

Responsibility: infrastructure supporting the Rust project itself: CI, releases, bots, metrics

Contact: infra@rust-lang.org

Crates.io team

Responsibility: management of operations, development, and policies for crates.io

Contact: help@crates.io

Release team

Responsibility: tracking regressions, stabilizations, and producing Rust releases

Contact: release@rust-lang.org

Community team

Responsibility: coordinating events, outreach, commercial users, teaching materials, and exposure

Contact: community@rust-lang.org

Documentation team

Responsibility: ensuring Rust has fantastic documentation

Documentation peers

Responsibility: oversight of specific documentation, and coordination with the docs team

Rustdoc team

Responsibility: Documentation tools including Rustdoc and docs.rs

Moderation team

Responsibility: helping uphold the code of conduct

Contact: rust-mods@rust-lang.org

Rust team alumni

Responsibility: enjoying a leisurely retirement