为 Rust 出力 — 社区建设

帮助新手、传播它、结识有趣的人。使用 Rust 的 我们都希望它成为开源开发的一个光辉榜样。

请您留意 #rust-beginners 频道,这是我们为新 Rust 程序员的询问提供帮助的地方,给他们提供迅速、准确和礼貌的回应很重要。与此类似,Stack Overflowusers.rust-lang.org/r/rust 都是 Rust 程序员常来寻求帮助的地方。 如果您想了解怎样更好地回答程序员的提问,阅读这份指南吧

If you are already experienced in some area of the project, please look out for potential E-easy bugs. When you see an easy issue on the bug tracker that you know how to fix, write up a description of the fix and tag it with E-easy. Note that what is obvious to you is not obvious to a new Rust contributor, and its important to describe the problem and the solution clearly. It is thus also helpful to triage E-easy bugs for poor descrptions and improve them.

Experienced developers who are patient and communicate clearly should consider 指导新贡献者. Tag easy issues with E-mentor and mention in a comment that you will mentor. Expect people to contact you about the issue, and attempt to respond promptly.

Maintaining entry-level tasks is good not only for The Rust Project itself but all projects. If your project has a consistent supply of entry-level tasks you might institute such a program yourself. Curating entry-level tasks is one of the most effective methods of bringing new programmers into the project. If you want training on mentoring new contributors read this guide.

Talk about what you are working on in the weekly “what’s everyone working on this week” threads on /r/rust and users.rust-lang.org, and indicate what you need help with. These are great starting points for collaboration.

Advocate Rust in your own local community. Rust user groups and events are a unique and exciting part of the Rust experience: there are so many, and they are everywhere! If you haven’t been yet, go and enjoy new experiences. If there is nothing Rusty going on near you then consider organizing something. You can poll for interest and announce events on /r/rust or users.rust-lang.org. Contact the community team to put events on the calendar, and thus be announced on This Week in Rust.

Remember as you are advocating Rust though to be considerate of others’ views — not everybody is going to be receptive to Rust, and that’s just fine.

#rust-community 中能遇到其他 Rust 社区建设者。