为 Rust 出力 — 库
如果你想通过编写 Rust 代码来为 Rust 出力, 那么库很不错:因为 Rust 是一种年轻的语言, 很多种类的库还尚不存在或并不完整,它们需要改进或竞争者。
- 阅读和参与 /r/rust 和 users.rust-lang.org 上 每周的「本周每个人都在做什么」(”what’s everyone working on this week”)主题。那些包含来自其他需要合作者的 Rust 程序员的激动人心的通知。
- 通过 awesome-rust 和 libs.rs 亲自熟悉最好的 Rust 库。
- Some larger projects, including the web browser Servo, the HTTP library hyper, the source-formatter rustfmt, the Unix library bindings nix, and the lint collection clippy, tag issues with ‘easy’ labels for new contributors.
- Get involved with one of the active Rust-oriented GitHub organizations, such as PistonDevelopers, servo, redox-os, iron, contain-rs, hyperium. It’s often easier to find a place to fit in with these subcommunities, they are in greater need of help than rust-lang itself, and they are filled with experienced Rust developers to guide you.
- Help guide libraries from rust-lang-nursery into rust-lang proper. Unfortunately there is not much documentation on what needs to be done here; ask on #rust-libs.
- 查阅 RFC 问题跟踪器中的社区已请求的库并建立它。
- 关注 Github 趋势了解目前活跃的 Rust 项目。
作为库的设计者,您有必要了解 Rust 库的最佳实践。
在 #rust-libs 中能遇到其他 Rust 库的设计者。