Rust 团队
Rust 的项目是由若干个团队分别管辖, 每个团队只关注特定的内容,以下是团队人员名单(按姓氏字母排序)。
要联系某个团队,请发布您的问题或评论至内部论坛,并用相应团队的名称标注您的帖子。请注意,安全披露应该遵循 Rust 安全披露流程。
职能:把握项目的总体方向、领导子团队、横向关注Language team
职能:designing new language featuresLanguage team shepherds
职能:helping guide language RFCs to completion, assisting the language team with its work库团队
职能:Rust 标准库、Rust 语言的包及公约编译器开发团队
职能:编译器内部、优化Dev tools team
职能:Rust developer toolsCargo team
职能:design and implementation of CargoIDEs and editors team
职能:IDEs, editors, and supporting tools such as Racer and the RLSInfrastructure team
职能:infrastructure supporting the Rust project itself: CI, releases, bots, metrics联系人: team
职能:management of operations, development, and policies for crates.io联系人:
Release team
职能:tracking regressions, stabilizations, and producing Rust releases联系人:
Mark Rousskovirc: simulacrum
Joe Roznerirc: jrozner
Joseph Kordishirc: jkordish
Josh Stoneirc: cuviper
Alex Crichtonirc: acrichto
Sertac Olgunsoyluirc: dirtybit
Mazdak Farrokhzadirc: centril
Sean Griffinirc: sgrif
Pietro Albiniirc: pietroalbini
BatmanAoDirc: BatmanAoD
Pramod Bishtirc: PramodBisht
Lubitsirc: Lubits
Araz Abishovirc: ArazAbishov
Aaron Powerirc: Aaronepower
Trevor Reiffirc: treiff
cssivisionirc: cssivision
Giovanni Sollazzoirc: gsollazzo
pambihirairc: pambihira
Stokhosirc: stokhos
Florian Gilcherirc: skade
Manish Goregaokarirc: Manishearth
Sebastián Magríirc: sebasmagri
Jan-Erik Redigerirc: badboy
Mark Sta Anairc: booyaa
Ashley Williamsirc: agdubs
Olivia Huggerirc: liv
Josh Gouldirc: technetos
Arshia Muftiirc: arshia
Parry Wilcoxirc: parrywinkle
Katharinairc: spacekookie
István Szmozsánszkyirc: flaki
Matt Gathuirc: mattgathu
Claus Matzingerirc: celaus
Wesley Mooreirc: wezm
Ben Striegelirc: bstrie
Jonathan Turnerirc: jntrnr
职能:确保 Rust 拥有极好的文档Documentation peers
职能:oversight of specific documentation, and coordination with the docs teamRustdoc team
职能:Documentation tools including Rustdoc and docs.rs审核团队
Rust 团队旧友
James Millerirc: aatch
Alexis Beingessnerirc: Gankro团队:libs
Patrick Waltonirc: pcwalton
Huon Wilsonirc: huon团队:core, lang, libs
Jeremiah Peschkairc: peschkaj
Björn Steinbrinkirc: doener团队:compiler
Brian Koropoffirc: bkoropoff团队:compiler
Brian Andersonirc: brson
Erick Tryzelaarirc: erickt
Ariel Ben-Yehudairc: arielb1
Jeffrey Seyfriedirc: jseyfried
E. Dunhamirc: edunham
Tom Princeirc: tomprince