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The Rust Community

The Rust programming language has many qualities, but Rust’s greatest strength is the community of people who come together to make working in Rust a rewarding experience.

We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, or similar personal characteristic. Our code of conduct sets the standards for behavior in all official Rust forums.

If you feel you have been or are being harassed or made uncomfortable by a community member, please contact any of the Rust Moderation Team immediately. Whether you are a regular contributor or a newcomer, we care about making the community a safe space for you.

Getting Started

The most important community resources for those new to Rust are:

You may also find help on the question and answer site, Stack Overflow.


This Week in Rust collects the latest news, upcoming events and a week-by-week account of changes in the Rust language and libraries. The Rust Blog is where the Rust team makes announcements about major developments. And nearly everything happening in Rust is discussed on the unofficial subreddit, /r/rust.

We also have a Twitter account. If you can’t read English, you can also follow our Weibo for Chinese.

IRC Channels

Rustaceans maintain a number of friendly, high-traffic IRC channels on Mozilla’s IRC network,

The #rust channel is a venue for general discussion about Rust, and a good place to ask for help. You’ll find people willing to answer any questions about Rust, and responses are typically fast.

Rust’s developers coordinate in #rust-internals. It is for real-time discussion about hacking on Rust itself. It is also the channel to ask questions about contributing to Rust.

Main channels

International channels

Team channels

Topical channels

These channels are of the wider Rust community, and are not moderated by the moderation team.

Discussion Forums

We have two forums for asynchronous discussion:

YouTube Channel

Rust has a YouTube channel where presentations given at user groups and conferences by members of the Rust community are uploaded.

User Groups and Meetups

There are more than 90 Rust User Groups worldwide in over 35 countries. Rustaceans meet periodically in Rust User Groups. Its a great introduction to the community and a great way to learn and socialize with other people with a similar interest. Meetings are usually held monthly and very informal. Meetings are open to everyone.

There is a global calendar for keeping up with Rust events. Contact the community team to add your own.

The Rust Team

Rust has a community-driven development process where most decisions are made through open discussion and consensus, under the stewardship of various teams:

In addition to the official team rosters, most teams also have a larger set of reviewers who are knowledgeable about the area and can sign off on code. If you’re interested in getting involved in one of these teams, feel free to reach out to the team leader or any other member, who can help get you started.

Rust Development

Rust has had over 2,000 different contributors, a number that grows every single week. We’d love for you to join that list!

As mentioned above, the Rust Internals Forum is dedicated to discussing the design and implementation of Rust. A lot of discussion also happens on GitHub: